Types Of Evidence To Help Prove Your Personal Injury Case

Types Of Evidence To Help Prove Your Personal Injury Case

Suffering any kind of personal injury can have severe, long-term ramifications. It can impact not only your health, but your career and even your relationships. If you have suffered harm due to the negligence of someone else, you may be able to obtain compensation – as long as you have strong enough evidence to support your case.

The law offices of Arye P. Corbett can help you obtain that evidence. Our firm has years of experience representing clients who have suffered personal injuries, and we may be able to help you as well. Please use our online contact form or call (561) 948-3700 to schedule a free case review.

These are the most important forms of evidence that can help you build the strongest case possible after the accident that caused your injury.

Police/Accident Report

Most of the time when police are called to the scene of an accident, they’ll file a report that will provide an objective evaluation of what happened, and why it happened. Once you’ve left the accident scene, get in touch with the police department to get a copy of that report. This could provide you with the evidence you need to have the best possible chance of winning your case.

If you suffered an injury due to a slip and fall accident at a business, that business should also prepare a report. Obtain a copy if you can, and bring it with you during your consultation with your attorney.

Medical Bills

You’ll need to provide proof of the expenses you’ve incurred as a result of your injury. Keep track of everything related to your injury. And keep copies of anything having to do with the medical treatments you’ve received. This not only means hospital, doctor, and rehabilitation bills, but also any transportation costs you’ve paid to go to and from medical appointments. Also, keep any receipts to show what you’ve paid for any medical devices you’ve needed, such as crutches or a cane, and any at-home care you’ve received.

Medical Records

In addition to your expenses, you’ll also need to retain all of the records that show the treatment needed for the injury you’ve suffered. Talk to your medical providers about getting copies of all of the following:

  • Prescriptions

  • X-rays, CT scans or other imaging tests

  • Notes your doctor has prepared regarding your diagnosis as well as treatment

  • Records for any surgeries

  • Blood test results

  • Instructions you received when discharged from the hospital

  • Photographs of either the injury or the procedure needed to treat the injury 

If possible, you should also consider obtaining records from any doctors you saw before the accident occurred. This could help if the insurance company claims that the injury you suffered was due to prior medical problems.

Photos and Video from Your Phone

Photographs and videos are arguably the most powerful types of evidence you can gather to prove your case. They will clearly show not only the value of any property damage, but also provide critically important information as to why the accident occurred. If possible, take pictures of the injuries you suffered as soon as possible after you’ve been hurt.

Eyewitness Statements

There’s also a chance that someone (or several people) saw exactly what happened. Gathering their statements as soon as possible can also bolster your case. Witnesses can provide the objective information needed to convince insurers – and, if necessary, the court – that you are entitled to the compensation you’re seeking. They may have seen something you didn’t and can provide a much clearer picture of what occurred as a result.

Video Footage from Nearby Cameras

In addition to the photos and videos you produce, there may be footage from nearby cameras that could show what happened. A traffic camera, or a camera from a business located close to the accident may be useful, as could video from a police pole, or the dash cam from a police vehicle.

Documentation of Lost Income

If you’ve been seriously harmed due to the negligence of another, it’s very likely that you’re going to have to miss some work as a result. There’s a chance you might be able to make that lost income back. Another critical part of the evidence gathering process will be to contact your employer to get documentation showing the amount of money you’ve lost. This documentation should include:

  • The exact days you’ve been forced to miss work.

  • Any benefits you’ve had to use due to your injury, such as vacation or sick days.

  • The total amount of the wages you’ve lost.

  • The amount of work you’ve had to miss.

  • Your job title.

  • Your pay rate at the time of the accident.

  • The number of hours you worked during the average week. 

Contact The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett for a Free Legal Consultation

It’s obviously asking a lot to expect that injury victims gather every piece of evidence on their own. After all, you’ve been injured, and your main focus is on recovering and trying to get back to normal.

That’s why you should get in touch with The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett as soon as you can. We know how to conduct a thorough investigation into an accident that leads to maximum compensation for your personal injury claim. The earlier you get in touch with us, the faster we can get to work building the strongest case possible on your behalf.

Timely action is crucial. In the case of an automobile accident, for example, the accident scene can change significantly in just a matter of days – or even hours. Weather conditions can wash out tire tracks, or construction companies can get to work repairing whatever damage to guardrails or other municipal property has taken place. Witnesses can have a hard time recollecting exactly what has happened.

Please get in touch with us as soon as you can. Keep documentation as suggested, but let us handle the investigation into your accident. If you would like a free consultation to learn more about us, call (561) 948-3700 or use our online contact form.