Boca Raton Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys

Looking for a Slip and Fall Lawyer in Boca Raton?

Boca Raton is a beautiful place to live and visit. In addition to the sun and fun at the beach, there are also an abundant number of places for shopping, like Mizner Park, Town Center Mall, big box stores, numerous grocery stores, retailers, and restaurants. All of these destinations offer something for everyone and are usually a safe way to spend some leisure time. However, there is also the chance to be the victim of a slip and fall injury, as well.

Older and younger people can be injured when a store employee fails to provide a safe environment for the customer.  This could occur when they don’t remove a dangerous liquid hazard in the store or fail to fix a known dangerous condition. Spilled liquid on the floor, uneven sidewalks, a leaking a/c unit and even potholes can all create an opportunity for a slip and fall that could leave you with serious injuries and devastating financial consequences.

Boca Raton Sip and Fall Statistics

What To Do if you have been in a Slip and Fall Accident

Seek medical attention immediately.

One out of five falls causes a serious injury, such as a broken bone or head injury. After a fall, you are often in shock, scared and maybe even embarrassed; don’t let this stop you from treating the fall as a serious incident.

When injured from a slip and fall, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.  Slipping and tripping can be extremely serious and you should treat it as such. Your health is your top priority.

It is possible that after a slip and fall, your adrenaline is masking the pain from your injuries. Even if the pain from the fall seems minor, be sure to see a doctor right away to make sure you are not more seriously injured. If you are injured, follow the advice of your doctor regarding future care so that you can try to minimize the damage and get on your way toward healing.

Do not delay in seeking medical treatment after the fall. Life gets in the way and the last place that you want to be is the emergency room or a doctor’s waiting room. However, this is often the excuse that the insurance company is going to use to justify why they won’t pay you. They will say that “if someone was really hurt, they would have needed to see a doctor right away.'' Don’t give the insurance company a reason to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve.

When you do see a medical professional, be sure to inform them of every area of your body that hurts or feels different. Most slip and fall victims are stoic and want to downplay their injuries, even to their doctors. However, if you injure an area of your body and you don’t tell your doctor about it, you can be sure it will be used against you. The business owner and their insurance company’s lawyer will point out your failure to identify the injury early on. Or they will blame a delay in treatment forwhy they should not have to fairly compensate you for your injuries.

Collect Evidence of the Fall and Injury

Do your best to take pictures or video of what caused your fall. The Florida slip and fall law regarding transient substances (i.e., wet, slippery) floors is unfair and favors the business.

The law essentially requires you, the injured person, to prove how long the store knew about the spill. In order to successfully prove your case, your slip and fall attorney must prove that the business knew or should have known that the floor was wet and had time to clean it. Therefore, your pictures will be the best possible evidence to show how big the substance was and why the business should have known about it.

Don’t assume that the store will take pictures or provide a copy of the surveillance video. Almost always your slip and fall attorney will have to file a lawsuit against the establishment in order to force them to provide the video.

Slip and Fall report accident.jpeg

Report the Slip and Fall Right Away

Be sure to ask management for an incident report to fill out. Take your time and be sure to fill it out thoroughly and accurately.I know this is the last thing that you want to be doing and you just want to get out of there. Too many cases have been negatively affected because the injured person did not take their time in filling out the incident report.

When filling out the incident report, describe what caused you to slip or trip and fall and all the areas of your body that you feel pain in. This incident report could be used against you later if it’s not thorough and accurate.

Many times after a fall, the store manager will tell the injured person to just let them know your medical bills and they will make sure they are paid. All too often, once the injured person contacts the store about the bills, no one will return their phone call. Or, they offer an amount of money that is just so low that it does not even cover the bills incurred.

Only a South Florida slip and fall attorney is going to be able to obtain the true amount of money for your medical bills, yourlost wages from work, and your pain and suffering.

Document your Slip and Fall Injuries

Take pictures of your injuries. Commonly after a fall, our clients experience fractures, bruising, cuts and bleeding to their body. Over time, these injuries will change and may go away. It will strengthen your case if you take pictures as the injury changes over the next few days or weeks. Bruising is temporary and will go away forever. If you do not take pictures of the injuries, you will not be able to show exactly what the injuries looked like. 

How to Establish a Boca Raton Slip and Fall Case

In order to successfully assert your slip and fall claim against the insurance company and the business that caused you damage, your premises liability attorney must establish that the other business establishment was negligent (i.e., at fault). Under Florida law, negligence means that the business or property owner failed to maintain the premises in a reasonable and safe manner. Slip and falls can be difficult to prove. So, in order to prove negligence, your attorney will need to establish the following four things:

  • Duty: The business had a duty to you to provide a maintain the premises

  • Breach: The business or property owner breached their duty to you.

  • Cause: As a result of the business or property owner’s breach, damage was caused.

  • Damages: You suffered injuries or other economic damages as a result of the fall.

Causes of Slip and Falls or Trip and Falls

  • Liquid substance on the floor

  • Leaking water from an appliance within the store

  • Object left on floor causing someone to trip

  • Building code violations, such as uneven steps and inadequate handrails 

  • Parking lot or sidewalk in disrepair creating uneven walking area or potholes

  • An elevator landing that is not properly level. 

Can I hire a slip and fall attorney even if I might have been partly at-fault?

Yes, you can absolutely hire a slip and fall attorney even if you think you might have been

at-fault. Based upon my years of litigation and trial experience, it is clear that juries in a slip and fall case will divide liability between the business and the person who was injured. The business clearly failed to maintain their property appropriately, but juries feel that the person who was injured should have been more aware of their surroundings before falling. This line of thinking is often illogical, but the jury process is not perfect. Because jurors may view your case this way, the insurance company is going to try and blame you for the fall, as well.

You can still hire a Florida slip and fall attorney to bring your claim forward. Other states have different laws on this issue, but Florida is a pure comparative negligence state.

Under Florida law, even if partially negligent, you are not prohibited from making a claim. The opposing party is responsible to pay you for their percentage of fault. For example, if a jury awarded you $100,000 and found the other party 40% at-fault, then the other party would be responsible to pay you $40,000 which is 40% of the jury award.

Common Injuries Caused by a Slip and Fall 

  • Neck injuries

  • Back injuries

  • Spinal cord injuries

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Nerve damage

  • Shoulder and knee injuries

  • Fractured bones

  • Scarring

  • Paralysis

What compensation can be awarded for a slip and fall?

Filing a lawsuit or negotiating with the insurance companies after a slip and fall is all about a means to recover compensation for your damages. Getting the compensation you deserve will save you loads of stress and financial pressure in the future.

Florida slip and fall lawyers can work to make the insurance company pay for your injuries and financial losses. These are known as your damages and you should be compensated for them.

Florida law recognizes that someone injured in a slip and fall can recover money for:

  • all of the medical bills that you have incurred,

  • the future medical bills that you will incur,

  • your lost wages,

  • loss of future earning capacity,

  • pain and suffering in the past and in the future,

  • and other negative consequences, like the loss of enjoyment of life.

Once I have hired a Florida Slip and Fall Attorney, now what?

Immediately after being hired, your lawyer will put the insurance companies and business establishment on notice that you are being represented by a personal injury law firm and we will demand any evidence available (like an accident report and surveillance video). Once the insurance companies receive our letters, they are required by Florida law to provide us with all available insurance coverage information. This is important so that we can determine the amount available to recover for you.

The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett, P.A. will be there with you step-by-step as you recover from your injuries. Through years of representing clients in personal injury cases, we know who the best medical providers in the community are and are always willing to assist clients with locating the best possible physician for their specific needs.

After you have treated with your doctors and they have given their opinions about the severity of your injury and what medical treatment is necessary to address your pain, your accident attorneys will send a pre-lawsuit settlement demand package to the insurance companies. This settlement demand package will inform them of why the other person was at-fault, the severity of the crash, the injuries suffered, the medical bills incurred and to be expected in the future, and outline how your pain and suffering has affected your life.

As a result, the package will contain a demand to the insurance company to settle your claim or a lawsuit will be filed against them and their insured. It is important that the insurance company knows that you are represented by a serious Florida slip and fall lawyer that is willing to file a lawsuit against them and take them to court if they do not offer you a fair settlement. We have and will follow through on behalf of our clients. It is our duty and mission to get our clients the best possible settlement for their car accident cases.

Free Consultation and No Fees Unless you Win

The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett, P.A. represent injured victims in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and all over the state of Florida. 

Contact our slip and fall law firm today to discuss with a personal injury lawyer how we can help you pursue your injury claim. The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett, P.A. is always here for you and will gladly come to you to meet in-person. Our consultations are completely free and require no commitment. We will discuss your options and rights, and decide together, what to do next.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact our office today by calling us at 561-948-3700 or by sending an email to