Common Places Where Slip and Fall Accidents Occur

Common Places Where Slip and Fall Accidents Occur

A slip and fall accident can happen in any location, at any time. In many instances, it occurs due to the negligence of another person. A grocery store manager, for instance, may not dispatch a worker to clean up a spill in a timely manner, and a customer could slip and suffer a severe injury as a result. Or, a gymnasium owner might not have an accumulation of sweat cleaned up for a hard floor soon enough.

Whatever the cause may be, if someone is injured in a slip and fall caused by negligence, they need to get legal help as soon as possible. Arye P. Corbett has represented many clients in these kinds of cases, and has a strong record of winning them. Find out how Mr. Corbett may be able to help you by contacting our office online or calling (561) 948-3700 for a free case review.

What is a Slip and Fall Accident?

A slip and fall accident is exactly what it seems to be. A person slips and then falls down on a hard surface, typically suffering a serious injury in the process. If that person is on someone else’s property, and that other person’s negligence contributed to the accident, then the victim will very likely be able to pursue legal action. 

There are two main categories of people who are lawfully on another’s property – “invitees” and “licensees.” Those who are in either category may be able to file a lawsuit in the event of a slip and fall accident. Here’s a brief explanation of invitees and licensees.

  • Invitees are people who, as the name implies, are invited to be on property owned by someone else. It could be a person who is shopping in a retail location, or anyone who is connected with the landowner’s business dealings. If the property is open to the public, anyone present is an invitee. 

  • Licensees are people who are on a property because they’re social guests. People invited to someone’s home for a party would be considered licensees. It’s important to note that this does not include trespassers. If a trespasser is on someone’s property in violation of the law, the property owner will typically not be held liable for any kind of injury that may occur.

Where Slip and Falls Occur

The following are just some of the more common areas where slip and fall accidents take place, and what you can do if you or someone close to you is the victim. 

Grocery Stores

This is probably the environment where slip and fall accidents occur with the most regularity. A wet spot may not be properly marked, or something could be left on an aisle floor and cause a customer to trip. Not only can this kind of accident result in a severe, long-term injury, it can even be fatal

Grocery store personnel are considered to have the duty of care to make sure all areas accessible to the public are safe. When they fail to uphold that duty, and an accident occurs, they may be found liable for medical bills and other damages a victim incurs due to a slip and fall injury.

Restaurants and Bars

Having a couple of drinks or a nice meal shouldn’t come with the risk of a slip and fall, but the unfortunate truth is that’s exactly what happens to far too many people. Employees may neglect to clean up a spill, or there could be some slippery food left on the floor for too long. Something as seemingly simple as a piece of carpeting that has come up from the floor can cause a patron to trip and be seriously hurt. 

Gyms and Training Centers

When people work out in a gym, of course, they sweat a great deal. A person who’s exercising might get up from a stationary bike and be dripping with sweat. When enough people do this, floors can become incredibly slippery. Bathrooms are also high-risk areas, as people are washing their hands or taking showers and may not realize how much water they’re dripping on the floor. 

Sidewalks, Driveways, and Parking Lots

A slip and fall can always be a threat, even when doing something that seems to be safe, such as walking down a sidewalk. But if a sidewalk hasn’t been properly maintained – either by a governmental entity or the owner of a piece of private property – that can lead to a crack or pothole causing a trip. 

If a parking lot isn’t properly illuminated, drivers might not be able to see pedestrians. An outdoor parking lot that has cracks poses the same kind of risk as a defective sidewalk, with uneven surfaces. 

Retail Stores

Retailers are responsible for the safety of their guests, just like all owners of facilities that are open to the public. A customer in a clothing store could fall after encountering a pair of jeans or some other type of item carelessly left on the floor. If the retailer also serves food and beverages, a spill or a leaking freezer or refrigerator could also cause a potentially dangerous situation.

Swimming Pools

Public pools are also prime locations for slips, as people constantly enter and exit the water. Unsupervised horseplay, such as running near the edge of a concrete pool, can also lead to a potentially catastrophic accident. 

Rental Properties 

If you’re hurt in your own home due to a slip and/or fall, you probably won’t be able to take legal action against anyone. But if you’re hurt in a rental property due to some sort of defect caused by the landlord, then that landlord could be held liable. Someone could, for instance, fall because a defective handrail gave way, or a piece of carpeting wasn’t properly secured to the floor.

Contact a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Arye P. Corbett will be ready if you ever need legal representation after suffering a slip and fall injury due to the negligence of another party. If you would like a free consultation to learn more about how we may be able to help, please contact our office online or call (561) 948-3700.