What Should I do After a Car Accident?

What Should I do After a Car Accident?

​​Millions of car accidents happen across the United States every year. They can obviously be traumatic. And it can be hard to keep your head if you’re involved in one. In the moment, trying to figure out what to do can seem impossible. Hopefully, you’ll never have to deal with this kind of situation. But it’s important to have an idea of what to do beforehand so that you can think as clearly as possible.

The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett would like to give you some information on what you should do if you’re involved in an automobile accident. If it does happen we will be here for you if you need legal help. Get in touch with us online or call 561-948-3700 if you would like a free review of your case.

Stay at the Scene of the Accident

This is one of the more obvious pieces of advice regarding what to do after a wreck. However, some people will sometimes panic and try to leave. You should never do this – especially if you or someone else is injured or killed. If you leave, you could be facing severe legal charges.

If you’re not hurt and are able to get the car to the side of the road, do so. This will minimize the risk of being hit by oncoming traffic. Switch on your hazard lights and keep them on. If you have them, set out flares or emergency cones if you can safely do so.

If someone was injured in the accident, or the damage is severe, leave the vehicles in place and get as far away from traffic as possible. Emergency personnel will get there as quickly as they can to secure the accident scene.

Check Yourself and Passengers for Injuries

First of all, see if you’ve been hurt. If you have, immediately call 911 or ask someone else to do so if you can’t. Check your passengers if you are able to move, and get emergency help if needed.

Call the Police to File an Accident Report

You should always call the police after checking for injuries. It doesn’t matter whether you were involved in a minor fender-bender or a major crash. The officers who respond will fill out an accident report. You’ll want to get a copy of that report to keep for your records. You may need to send it to your insurance company. And your attorney will need it as well if there’s a possibility of legal action stemming from the collision.

Exchange Information with Other Drivers

You should exchange contact information with any other drivers involved in the accident. This includes the following:

  • Name, address, phone number, and email address.

  • The name of the other driver’s insurance company and their policy number.

  • The model, color and make of each vehicle involved in the collision.

  • The location where the accident occurred.

  • Each driver’s license plate number and license.

At the same time, however, you should NEVER have any sort of discussion regarding who’s to blame. Small talk is fine. But don’t say things like, “I’m sorry,” or “I didn’t see where I was going.” Those words could eventually be used against you in a lawsuit. If anyone asks if you’re okay, tell them you won’t know until you see a doctor.

Document the Accident in Detail

If you either file a lawsuit or wind up being the defendant in a lawsuit, you’ll need as much evidence as you can possibly gather. The stronger the evidence, the stronger your case will be. If possible, try to get the following information.

  • Get the names of the reporting officers.

  • Take as many pictures of the damage as you can – for all vehicles involved.

  • Take pictures of the license plates of the other vehicles as well.

  • Write down all names of all drivers.

Get Witness Info

Witness information can be of significant help to your case. It can hold a great deal of weight should legal action arise. Since an unbiased witness has nothing to gain, his or her statement will be very powerful. If you can find witnesses, ask them what they saw. And ask if they would give you permission to contact them at a later date. Also be sure to get their names and phone numbers.

Notify Your Insurance Company

A lot of people would rather just not deal with the hassle of filing an insurance claim after a car wreck. They might try to negotiate some sort of deal with the other drivers. But if you don’t get in touch with your insurance provider, you could eventually be held liable for all damages that result from the accident.

Do Not Give a Statement to Any Insurance Company

At the same time, however, you don’t want to divulge any details to either your insurance company or the other driver’s insurer. Be extremely careful what you say. Always remember that insurance carriers will do whatever they can to pay as little as they can. They care about making profits, not doing what’s right.

If you do anything other than simply report the accident, your carrier could use that information to justify minimizing the amount of compensation you receive. Also, don’t sign any sort of release given to you by an insurance adjuster until you talk to an attorney.

Get Medical Treatment ASAP

You should always visit a medical professional as soon as you can, even if you think you feel fine. In some cases, injuries from a car accident won’t start to show themselves until 24-48 hours after – or even longer. You have to get medical help. Then document any injuries you might have suffered.

Do Not Take a Quick Settlement Offer

Far too many accident victims decide to accept a settlement for a fraction of what they actually deserve. You might not even know the full extent of your injuries by the time you’re offered a settlement deal. You might not have the facts of the accident completely straight. Don’t talk to any party about a settlement without first speaking to your lawyer.

Hire A Car Accident Attorney to Level the Playing Field

If you have any reason to believe there will be legal action resulting from the accident, it will be critically important to hire an attorney who has extensive experience in this area of the law. It will be your best chance of having the strongest case possible.

The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett has the experience you need, as well as a substantial track record of success representing clients in car accident cases. Talk to us to learn more about how we may be able to help. Contact us online for a free consultation, or call 561-948-3700.