Common Florida Car Accident Injuries

Common Florida Car Accident Injuries

In all too many instances, car accidents lead to horrible, permanent injuries. In 2020, there were more than 336,000 accidents in Florida alone, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. More than 3,000 people died in those accidents, and tens of thousands suffered severe injuries.

The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett may be able to help if you’ve been harmed in a collision caused by the negligence of another driver. If you would like a free consultation, please use our contact form or call (561) 948-3700.

Many, many different kinds of injuries can be attributed to automobile accidents. Here’s a quick look at some of the more common ones that tend to occur.

Concussions and Brain Injuries

When an automobile accident occurs, the impact of two vehicles slamming together causes everything – and everyone – in each vehicle to move violently. Oftentimes, victims will strike a window, a steering wheel, or even a windshield. This can result in a potentially devastating concussion or TBI (traumatic brain injury).

A concussion is a milder form of TBI – but it’s only mild if it happens to someone else, really. Concussions result from the brain rapidly moving forward and backward, resulting in brain cells being stretched or torn. If not treated promptly, a concussion can lead to major, long-term consequences.

If there’s any good news regarding a concussion, it’s that most people eventually recover fully. They could experience severe headaches and have a feeling of fogginess for an extended period of time, but they typically get back to normal.

A severe TBI, on the other hand, will usually lead to a lifetime of debilitation. Even the most basic tasks, such as bathing or dressing, could become impossible without the help of a caregiver. The costs can also be incredibly high – as much as $3 million or more during the victim’s lifetime.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Paralysis

The forces a serious automobile collision puts on the human body are incredible. Any sort of spinal cord damage can lead to paralysis. This could leave a victim unable to use their legs, or their arms and legs. One factor that can contribute to a spinal injury resulting from a car wreck include whether or not the victim’s head was turned. If the victim was already suffering from a degenerative back condition, that could increase the risk of paralysis as well.

As you can well imagine, the costs to treat a spinal cord injury can be staggering. Depending on the severity, it could cost anywhere from nearly $350,000 to more than $1 million in the first year alone. The lifetime costs could eventually run from more than $2.5 million to more than $4.7 million.

Neck Injuries and Whiplash

Car wrecks often affect the neck as well. They can cause the body to move in ways that it’s neither used to nor designed to move. Whiplash, as the name implies, often occurs as the result of a rear-end collision. The victim’s body suddenly lurches forward, then violently moves back. When the neck goes through this kind of stress, whiplash is typically the consequence. Even though whiplash is rarely permanent, it can lead to weeks or months of severe pain.

There are other neck injuries typically involved with automobile accidents as well. A crash can lead to sprains or strains of the neck muscles, as well as the tendons and ligaments. In some instances, a neck fracture can occur. Many people who experience this kind of injury don’t even realize what’s happened. If they suddenly move the wrong ways, that could leave them paralyzed.

As with any type of injury stemming from a car accident neck injuries can cost thousands of dollars – even tens of thousands of dollars – to treat.

Back Injuries

There are many kinds of back injuries a car accident victim can suffer. This is a quick look at three of the more common ones.

  • Herniated disc – The spine contains discs that help to absorb shocks. But if a shock proves to be too great, such as the force of a car wreck, discs can tear or rupture. This leads to excruciating pain that moves through the back and down the legs.

  • Lumbar sprain – This is an injury that happens when the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the back are overly stretched. This can result in weeks of debilitation.

  • Spinal stenosis – Also known as a narrowing of the spinal canal, spinal stenosis is a degenerative condition that typically happens to older people. But it can also stem from severe trauma, such as being in a car accident.


When a car catches fire after an accident, anyone trapped inside can suffer severe burns. But even if a fire doesn’t start, burns can also occur due to steam, hot fluids such as gasoline, engine oil or water, as well as chemicals. Surgery, as well as recovery from this kind of personal injury can cost thousands of dollars.

Internal Injuries

A car wreck can force a driver into a steering wheel, or a passenger into a dashboard. Either type of impact can lead to severe internal damage. Internal bleeding due to flying debris or an impact can be life threatening.

Fractures and Broken Bones

Hips, shoulders, legs and arms can easily break due to the amount of force an automobile collision can place on them. When a bone experiences too much pressure, it will break. This kind of injury is especially common when a car is hit from the side or the rear. Surgery will be needed in severe instances, and physical therapy may also be needed in order for a victim to regain full mobility. This, of course, can be incredibly expensive.

Facial and Dental Injuries

When a car wreck victim is hit by flying glass or hits a steering wheel or other part of a vehicle, that can lead to severe facial and dental injuries. A victim could easily suffer a broken jaw or broken teeth that could lead to months of expensive treatment.

Limb Loss and Amputation

There are many potentially tragic consequences of a car accident, of course. The loss of a limb, or a limb that is so severely damaged it has to be amputated, is one of the worst. This can ruin a person’s quality of life, and possibly also rob them of their ability to work.

Chest Injuries

As important as seatbelts are, they can cause severe chest injuries in serious car wrecks. These injuries can range from bruises to a fractured sternum.

Broken Ribs

The ribs are very delicate, and can break even after a relatively minor impact. If a victim moves in any direction, they can suffer broken ribs as a result. This is an extremely painful injury that can take months to heal completely.

Foot and Ankle Injuries

Ankle, toe and foot injuries can also occur, especially if a foot is trapped inside of a crumpled part of a car.

Shoulder Injuries

These can happen when a victim braces their hands against the dashboard or steering wheel. This locks the shoulder in position, and causes damage due to excessive force.

Lacerations, Bruises, and Road Rash

Torn sheet metal, glass or other objects can cause severe lacerations. When the body hits any object inside of a car, serious bruising can also occur. If a victim comes into contact with the road, such as in a motorcycle accident, that can lead to extensive abrasions, a condition often referred to as “road rash.”

Emotional and Mental Trauma

Injuries other than physical trauma can result from a car accident. Many victims can suffer long-lasting emotional and mental trauma as well. They may need to seek professional help for years, and the costs associated with this treatment could easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

Contact an Experienced Florida Car Accident Lawyer Today

Arye P. Corbett will fight passionately on your behalf if you were hurt in a car accident due to another party’s negligence. Please contact us online or call (561) 948-3700 for a free case review.