Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

There are a lot of unique aspects of truck accidents that you won’t find in the typical car wreck. For example, a truck accident can take place due to overloaded or improperly secured cargo. But there are also many similarities between the two as well. Speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and aggressive driving can also lead to devastating accidents.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one due to the actions of a negligent truck driver, The Law Office of Arye P. Corbett will fight for your rights. We’ve established a strong track record of success in helping victims of truck accidents. And we’ll do everything we can to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Please get in touch with us by calling (561) 948-3700 or using our online form to schedule a free consultation.

In the meantime, here are some of the more common reasons trucking accidents take place.


Just like a car accident, a truck accident will often occur because the driver of the truck was speeding. This is always dangerous behavior, of course, but it’s even worse when a huge semi-truck is involved. These behemoths of the road can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds and be a lot more difficult to control.

When a truck driver is speeding and loses control, the results are often devastating. Also, trucks take much longer to stop than the typical passenger car. If a truck is moving too fast, the driver will often smash the back end of another vehicle as a result.

Distracted Driving

A distracted driver is a dangerous driver, regardless of the type of vehicle they’re operating. Truck drivers have smartphones too. And they also have a lot of gadgets in their trucks that will sometimes take their attention off of the road. Considering the size of a truck, even a momentary lapse of concentration can lead to tragedy.

But technology isn’t the only culprit when it comes to distracted driving. Like everyone else, truck drivers have personal lives, and they can sometimes be dissatisfied with their jobs. When a truck driver’s mind is somewhere else, that can quickly result in an accident.

Aggressive Driving

When the driver of an automobile drives aggressively, that will typically only affect one lane of traffic. If a truck driver does the same thing and loses control, that can impact all of the lanes on a highway and a multitude of other vehicles. But even if the truck driver only hits one car, the sheer force of the weight of the truck will often cause catastrophic injuries.

Fatigued/Drowsy Driving

Driving a semi-truck is a grueling profession. Drivers will often spend 10 or 11 hours behind the wheel at a time, running the risk of serious fatigue in the process. Even though there are regulations that mandate drivers can only operate their vehicles for a specific amount of time, drivers often ignore them. They have deadlines to meet, and face stiff consequences if they fail. As a result, they will push themselves past their limits. As you can expect, the results will often be horrible. When someone drives fatigued, that can be just as dangerous as driving recklessly, or driving under the influence.

Overloaded Cargo

Depending on the type of truck, federal laws set cargo limits between 20,000 and 40,000 pounds. The gross weight of a truck cannot legally exceed 80,000 pounds. These regulations are in effect for good reason. If a truck is carrying too much weight, that puts an incredible amount of stress on all of its components. That increases the likelihood of a tire, brake, or even engine failure.

Also, an overloaded truck makes operating the vehicle even more challenging. A driver can lose control much more easily and can also find it more difficult to come to a stop or make a sudden maneuver should that become necessary.

Unsecured Cargo

Even if a truck is carrying the legal amount of weight, if the cargo isn’t properly loaded, that could cause problems as well. Items could easily undergo shifts during a trip and this can result in an imbalance. When the weight isn’t evenly distributed, that makes it more likely that a truck will either suddenly swerve into another lane, tip over, or go off the road entirely.

Mechanical Failure

As important as regular maintenance is to a passenger car, it’s even more important when it comes to a huge truck. Unfortunately, some trucking companies fail to follow regular maintenance, which increases the chances of an accident. It’s already difficult enough to operate a truck under normal conditions. If there’s a steering problem, a braking problem, or some other type of issue, that could easily lead to a collision.

Driving Under the Influence

Any time a driver operates a vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that can result in a devastating accident. This is actually one of the more common causes of vehicle accidents. But when someone is operating an 80,000-pound truck under the influence, you can easily see how that could result in a potentially tragic collision.

It’s incredibly alarming to know just how common it is for truck drivers to operate their rigs while impaired. According to one study, nearly one-third of drivers admitted they used amphetamines while behind the wheel. They do this in order to try and stay alert during extremely long shifts. But this can result in a lack of judgment and impaired reflexes, especially when the effects of the drug wear off. That can lead to immediate, severe fatigue.

Lack of Experience

In order to be able to safely operate a truck, a driver needs a great deal of control and fast reflexes. But there is also a shortage of truck drivers, which increases the risk of unqualified drivers on the road. Some trucking companies may speed the pace of training to be able to get more drivers behind the wheel as fast as possible.

Contact an Attorney After Your Truck Accident

If you have been hurt in an accident caused by a negligent truck driver, you need to get in touch with an attorney as soon as you can. An attorney can gather the evidence needed to make your case as strong as possible, so that you can obtain as much compensation as possible.

Arye P. Corbett has the experience and skill needed to do just that. You can focus on recovering from your injuries while Mr. Corbett fights for your rights. Contact Mr. Corbett online or call (561) 948-3700 for a free case review.